The two-year transition project explores how combining daily physical activity and French can improve both children’s language skills and their fitness to learn. Colleagues from three separate secondary/primary school partnerships are working with different activities taken from the 'Take 10: Fit to Succeed'resource produced by Devon LA and available in all its schools.
The aim of the project was to investigate how successfully this active and cross-curricular approach improves the motivation and achievement of children learning French in Key Stage 2. Also, how it could be exported into early Key Stage 3. Joint planning and teaching by secondary and primary colleagues have proved very beneficial as have opportunities for Year 6 and Year 7 pupils to work together.
We made links to other areas of the children’s learning so the project became cross-curricular, rather than just during the ‘French lesson’ time. We aimed to improve the children’s listening skills and make them more aware of the importance of keeping fit and healthy. We wanted to explore how these activities could be extended to provide further linguistic challenges building on the prior knowledge of the children.
Children report that they are enjoying the activities and that they have a sense of achievement in oracy, literacy and intercultural understanding. The project has encouraged a child-centred approach to learning that embraces problem solving, reasoning, creative thinking, communication and empathy. Year 7 pupils have successfully written their own versions of activity rhymes by adapting the language of original versions. They have then choreographed and performed their own versions to their peers. Teachers have also benefited from opportunities to plan and teach together.
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