May 2010

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i like number 3, by georgia because its really colourful and looks the best. it also includes all of her family members in french. all the different colours stand out and look fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from Zahra xx


I like number 16 because i think most of the spelling is correct and he has put alot of detail


i like number 2 because it is very interesting

Georgia Priestley

I like number 12 because it is short but affective and there are no mistakes!!! There are loads like this but Mae's actully goes into her family life... well done mae!

Emily H

My favourite is Number 2, it is really good!
It is on this page, not Year 7 reading and writing, it is Georgia's, it is amazing, it is simple yet catchy, I love it, well done Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alice :P

My favourite is number 12 which is Mae's. :D


My favourite blog is number 14 by Natalie. I like it because it is done it lots of different colours and is well presented. I also like it as it includes a few of the family members that are close e.g aunts and uncles and not things that arent e.g half cousins. I also like it because it shows some mistakes which proves she is not perfect.


My favourite number is 16 because it's all accurate and fun to read

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